Operations - We’re all in this together

Hey Wildcats (IYKYK, if you dont' you should...)

Now that we are embracing our NWO, and settling in to what will be our normal for a while, here are a few resources that we in Ops Land think you might find handy:

  • NWO Calendar - given our reduced working weeks, this cal. is your guide to who is available and when. And, don't forget to raise a red flag in your Slack status if you're on your allocated day/morning/afternoon off. 
  • WFH Resources - a list of links to help you find your groove when it comes to navigating our new workstyle, including info from governing bodies on the 'Rona, time management tips and pointers for taking care of your mental health. Please send any additions that you think the team could benefit from our way.
    My hot tip for this week: The Happiness Lab.

A special mention to our Ops Queen (check her Slack status, she's got a crown), GG for being announced Co-Ultimate Legend last week - who says finance doesn't win things?! A very deserved recognition for what has no doubt been a ridiculously tough month to be CFO of anything. 

Have a fantastic week legends, look after yourselves and those you love, wash your hands and stay safe - CB