Things To Do

Bowl In Style With The New ‘High Roller’ Experience That Needs To Be Seen To Be Believed


If you're a big fan of bowling, we're with you. Because what’s not to love? Friendly rivalry, cold beers, endless laughs and iconic bowling shoes all make the experience so much more than just strikes and spares (and the unfortunate gutterball).

But just when we thought we couldn’t love the experience any more, the connoisseurs of entertainment, Funlab, have partnered with Furphy and legendary artist Steen Jones to bring you the Strike ‘High Roller’ experience for those who like to roll in style.

Steen Jones X Furphy 

Revered in both the tattoo and art world for his incredible designs, Jones has been hard at work and is excited to finally share his epic collab with punters across Australia.

“It’s the perfect collaboration because we’ve been able to infuse the fun of Strike with everything I love,” he says. "It’s a really big deal for me. I couldn’t be more stoked and I couldn’t be more grateful and excited for the collaboration”.

And the result is pretty unreal. The epic collaboration has seen Jones inject serious style into the bowling game. The bowling gear is so dope that we guarantee you’ll be dying to throw it up on your Instagram feed. His ionic tattoo-style designs touch every facet of the Strike experience from bespoke balls, to custom shoes (yes, you can say goodbye to the two-tone clown aesthetic), socks, beer steins, and even nostalgic-inducing flash sheet stickers. 

High Roller Package 

For an additional $25, bowlers can get one a litre of delicious ice-cold Furphy, custom design socks in black or white and flash sheet stickers designed by Jones himself (yours to keep). And most importantly, you’ll get to bowl with their custom Jones designed shoes and bowling balls. 

the Steen Jones Collab INCLUDES:

  • A Strike bowling session with Steen Jones designed bowling balls
  • A chance to wear Steen Jones designed shoes 
  • A take-home pair of Steen Jones-designed socks
  • Steen Jones kiss-cut Flash sheet stickers, yours to keep 
  • Plus, a stein of ice-cold Furphy (or basic wine, beer, cider)

The High Roller exclusive offer is available for booking online at selected Strike Bowling venues across Australia for those over the age of 18. Click here to book in for your High Roller experience now. 

What are you waiting for? Say goodbye to basic bowling and hello to 'gram-worthy collabs that take your bowling experience to a whole new level.

Image credit: Zennieshia Butt​s

Editor’s note: This article is sponsored by Funlab and proudly endorsed by Urban List. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make Urban List possible. Click here for more information on our editorial policy.

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