
Find Out The Latest News On The COVID Traffic Light System In NZ


A couple sit on a hill in Nelson.

Stay up to date with our live list of the latest updates of restrictions around Auckland and New Zealand.

Information is via covid19.govt.nz.

Update: Monday 12 September

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has confirmed that the traffic light system will be scrapped in NZ as of midnight tonight, 12 September. All mask mandates will also be removed apart from the case of aged care facilities and healthcare settings, though some workplaces may choose to keep the use of masks. Now only those who have contracted Covid-19 will need to self-isolate for seven days, not household contacts. Vaccination mandates will all end on 26 September. What a glorious day whānau. The government has thanked all New Zealanders for their response.

Update: Wednesday 13 April

Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has announced that the whole of New Zealand will move to the Orange traffic light setting from 11.59pm tonight. Thanks to an overall improvement in the trajectory of positive covid-19 cases, there will be no indoor or outdoor capacity limits and the seated rules will be removed. People with Covid must still isolate for seven days and you must still mask up while inside. 

Update: Wednesday 23 March

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has just announced arguably the biggest changes to take place in NZ's COVID response since the start of the epidemic. With a  95% vaccinated population, from 11.59pm on Monday 4 April vaccine passes will no longer be needed meaning everyone will have access to all previously controlled venues or public spaces. This also means that people employed in the health sector, the police etc will be able to work irrespective of vaccine status. From this weekend 26 March you will no longer need to use QR codes or scan in using the Covid tracer app (but we might need them again in the future so don't delete the app!). As of 11.59pm on Friday 25 March, hospitality venues will have their maximum seated occupancy raised to 200 people with all limits on outdoor gatherings removed entirely. Mask wearing is to continue at our current Alert Level Red (and Orange). 

Update: Thursday 3 February

The New Zealand Government has announced its plan to reopen New Zealand's borders to the rest of the world. The border to Australia will reopen on 27 February at 11.59pm and will reopen to NZ residents in the rest of the world on 13 March. MIQ requirements will be replaced by self-isolation and tests on arrival while MIQ will remain in place for those who are unvaccinated. Fully vaccinated visitors from visa waiver countries can enter New Zealand from July 2022.

Update: Sunday 23 January

Following the news of an Covid-19 Omicron variant outbreak in Auckland and Nelson, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the whole of NZ will move to the Red traffic light setting from 11.59pm tonight, 23 January.

What can we do at Red?

At red, it's very much alert level 2, with the use of vaccine passports. Hospitality venues can open with people seated and separated. Groups are limited to 100. You can go to friends' houses and have them at yours. Hairdressers, shops etc can continue to trade with the use of vaccine passports. Find out more about life at Red.

Update: Monday 13 December

This is the last big planned Covid update for the year. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland and the other regions currently in the Red level setting (excluding Northland subject to reaching their vaccination target on time) will move to Orange at 11.59pm on Thursday 30 December, which means that events hosting over 100 fully vaccinated people can go ahead. The Auckland border will open for those who produce a negative test or proof of vaccination status on 15 December. The next review will be on 17 January. The Auckland border will also be completely removed on this date. 

Update: Monday 29 November

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced the settings that New Zealand will move into at the start of the Covid Protection Framework or traffic light system. Moving into red light settings will include Northland, Auckland, Taupō and Rotorua Lakes Districts, Kawerau, Whakatane, Ōpōtiki Districts, Gisborne District, Wairoa District, Rangitikei, Whanganui and Ruapehu Districts. The rest of the north island will move into Orange and the whole of the south island will move into Orange. These settings will be reviewed on Monday 13 December. 

What can we do at Red?

At red, it's very much alert level 2, with the use of vaccine passports. Hospitality venues can open with people seated and separated. Groups are limited to 100. You can go to friends' houses and have them at yours, even to use the toilet, hurrah. Find out more about life at Red.

What can we do at Orange?

At Orange there are no gathering limits if vaccine passports are used.  Find out more about life at Orange.

Update: Monday 22 November

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland and the rest of NZ will move to the traffic light system at 11.59pm on Wednesday December 2. In hugely exciting news for hairy Aucklanders, hairdressers and barbers will be able to open from this Thursday 25 November for fully vaccinated customers, in a trial to road test the new vaccination certificates. Hairdressers and barbers will only be able to accept bookings, no walk ins, and people must be separated and wear masks. 

Update: Monday 15 November

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Waikato will join the rest of New Zealand at Alert Level 2 as of 11.59pm on Tuesday 16 November. At Alert Level 2 you can go to work, access hospitality, schools are open and events can go ahead with the usual social distancing, masks and contact tracing measures in place. 

From 29 November, anyone who has been fully vaccinated for more than six months can have access to booster vaccinations.

Update: Monday 8 November

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will join Waikato at Alert Level 3 step 2 from 11.59pm on November 9, meaning retail stores and public facilities can reopen and up to 25 people can meet outdoors with the bubble edict removed. Based on current forecasts Auckland should move to the traffic light framework on November 29 as all three Auckland DHBs will by then have reached the 90% double vaccination milestone (though if they hit that prior then that's when Auckland will move). Upper Northland will move to Alert Level 2 at 11.59pm on Thursday, 11 November. Cabinet will reconvene on Waikato on Monday 15 November and on Auckland on November 29. Kia kaha New Zealand.

UPDATE: Monday 1 November

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Waikato will move to step 2 from 11.59pm tomorrow, meaning retail stores and public facilities can reopen and up to 25 people can meet outdoors with the bubble edict removed. For Auckland, with 80% of the eligible population fully vaccinated, Auckland will provisionally move to step 2 from 11.59pm next Tuesday 9 November.

Update: Friday 22 October

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced the Government's new COVID-19 Protection Framework as a roadmap out of the current restrictions. The country will move away from Alert Level Settings to a traffic light system dependant on vaccination uptake. When all DHBs record a 90% double vaccination rate then we will move to Red. Find out more about what the different settings will mean here. We'll be using vaccination certificates so if you're not yet vaccinated access to hospitality venues and hairdressers etc will be restricted. Kia Kaha NZ. 

Update: Monday 18 October

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Northland will move to Alert Level 2 at 11.59pm on Tuesday 19 October. In the case of Waikato, it will remain at Alert Level 3 with a review on Friday. Auckland will remain at Alert Level 3 with the current restrictions in place for at least the next two weeks. The rest of NZ will stay at Alert Level 2. A reminder that indoor gatherings are not permitted and that the Delta variant is prevalent across all areas of Auckland. No more than 10 people from two households can meet outdoors at any one time. A Covid protection framework will be announced on Friday 22 October.

Update: Monday 11 October

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will remain at Alert Level 3 with the current restrictions for another week. Schools will not reopen on 18 October. Aucklanders are allowed to meet friends and family (two households at any one time to a maximum of 10 people) but only in outdoor settings. Wear a mask, keep your distance and give other groups a wide berth. Early childhood services can welcome more children into their sites depending on how they can ensure max 10 bubbles. Aucklanders can now move around within the Auckland boundary for recreational reasons. That means you can go to the beach, go sailing etc but only in max groups of 10 (two bubbles). 

Waikato and Northland will remain in Level 3 until 11.59pm on 19 October with confirmation of the step down given the day before.

Settings to be reviewed next Monday 18 October.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will remain at Alert Level 3 but from 11.59pm on Tuesday, 5 October Aucklanders are allowed to meet friends and family (two households at any one time to a maximum of 10 people) but only in outdoor settings. Wear a mask, keep your distance and give other groups a wide berth. Early childhood services can welcome more children into their sites depending on how they can ensure max 10 bubbles. Aucklanders can now move around within Auckland boundary for recreational reasons. That means you can go to the beach, go sailing etc but only in max groups of 10. The rest of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 2. Settings to be reviewed next Monday 11 October.


Raglan, Te Kauwhata, Huntly, Ngāruawāhia, Hamilton City and some surrounding areas are at Alert Level 3 for 5 days from 11:59pm on Sunday 3 October 2021.


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 at 11.59pm on Tuesday 21 September for at least two weeks, with a review on Monday 4 October. The rest of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 2.


People are being encouraged to work from home unless they are essential workers. Schoolchildren must stay at home unless they are children of essential workers. 

Physical distancing of two metres should be maintained and people must wear face coverings when inside. Retail and takeaways will be available through contactless pick-up. 

Supermarkets, petrol stations and dairies to remain open. 

Gyms, pools, playgrounds, entertainment venues and libraries remain closed.

At this level, everyone is permitted to extend their bubble to include primary caregivers or people who live alone, but bubbles must be kept small and exclusive. That means you can't get 10 of your mates who live apart together in the same 'bubble' unless you're attending:  

  • Funerals and tangihanga
  • Wedding ceremonies (not receptions).

Those aged over 65 and unvaccinated are asked to remain at home.


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will remain at Alert Level 4 until at least 11.59pm on Tuesday 21 September, with a review on Monday 20 September. Kia Kaha Auckland. The rest of New Zealand will remain at Alert Level 2 with a review on the same day as Auckland's.


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2 from 11.59pm on Tuesday 7 September. There will be another assessment of alert levels on Monday 13 September. Auckland remains at Alert Level 4 until at least 11.59pm on Tuesday 14 September.  


Face coverings are compulsory at Alert Level 2, scan everywhere you go, there'll be a limit of 50 people for event venues and hospitality venues etc, outside venues can have up to 100 as long as people are all seated and served separately. Gyms, museums and nightclubs are under the same requirements.

UPDATE: Thursday 2 September

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has confirmed that Northland will move to Alert Level 3 at 11.59pm on Thursday, September 2.  


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has confirmed that the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 3 from 11.59pm on Tuesday, August 31 with Auckland remaining at Alert Level 4 for at least another two weeks, with a review on Monday, September 6. For those in Northland, a review will be held on Thursday 2 September.


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 3 from 11.59pm on Tuesday, August 31 subject to no new cases popping up before Monday 30 August. Auckland and Northland will stay at Alert Level 4 with a further review expected this Monday 30 August. At this stage the Prime Minister has indicated that it's likely Auckland will stay in Alert Level 4 for at least another two weeks as cases continue to rise.  

AT ALERT LEVEL 4 For Auckland and Northland

You may leave your home for exercise, for medical care, to get a test or pick up supplies. You must wear a mask when you leave the house, stay local and observe social distancing of 2 metres. Keep to your bubble. Even passing someone on the street is a risk so if you're out for a run, ensure there's no one else in the vicinity. Schools and universities will close and children must stay home. There's to be no travelling over alert level boundaries and checkpoints will be in place. 


People are being encouraged to work from home unless they are essential workers. Schoolchildren must stay at home unless they are children of essential workers. 

Physical distancing of two metres should be maintained and people are strongly advised to wear face coverings when in places where this distancing is not possible such as in shops. Retail and takeaways will be available through contactless pick-up. Bubbles will remain.

Supermarkets and petrol stations to remain open. 

Gyms, pools, playgrounds, entertainment venues and libraries remain closed.

At this level, everyone is permitted to extend their bubble to include primary caregivers or people who live alone, but bubbles must be kept small and exclusive. That means you can't get 10 of your mates who live apart together in the same 'bubble' unless you're attending:  

  • Funerals and tangihanga
  • Wedding ceremonies (not receptions).


Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the rest of New Zealand will stay at Alert Level 4 until at least Friday 27 August at 11.59pm. Auckland will remain at Alert Level 4 until at least Tuesday 31 August at 11.59pm. There'll be a press conference the day prior to see how we're going. 

Update: Friday 20 August

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the rest of New Zealand will stay at Alert Level 4 along with Auckland and the Coromandel following rising case numbers and the discovery of cases in Wellington until at least Tuesday at 11.59pm. There'll be a press conference on Monday to assess how we're going.

Update: Tuesday 17 August

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that New Zealand will move to Alert Level 4 at 11.59pm on Tuesday 17 August following the discovery of the first COVID-19 community case in Auckland for 169 days, which is assumed to be the Delta variant. Locations of interest in Auckland and Coromandel are now available on the government's COVID-19 site linked above.

Auckland and The Coromandel will be locked down for at least 7 days with the rest of the country for at least 3 days.

At Alert Level 4

You may leave your home for exercise, for medical care, to get a test or pick up supplies. You must wear a mask when you leave the house, stay local and observe social distancing of 2 metres. Keep to your bubble. Even passing someone on the street is a risk so if you're out for a run, ensure there's no one else in the vicinity. Schools and universities will close and children must stay home. Vaccinations have been suspended for two days.


Update: Friday 12 March

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will move back down to Alert Level to join the rest of New Zealand at Alert Level 1 as of 12pm on Friday 12 March 2021.

At Alert Level 1, everyone can freely return to work, school, sports and travel around New Zealand, and you can get together with as many people as you want. Bars and restaurants are no longer subject to the single server and everyone seated edict.

Border controls are still in effect with all arrivals still being subject to an enforced 14-day quarantine.

Remember though, we've been here before so we mustn't get complacent. We know how tricky this virus can be and want to avoid yet another lockdown.

UPDATE: Friday 5 March

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will move back down to Alert Level 2 and the rest of New Zealand to Alert Level 1 as of 6am on Sunday 7 March 2021.


Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 at 6am on Sunday 7 March. 

Everyone can continue to go to work and school with physical distancing but must wear masks in public.

Businesses can remain open to the public as long as they keep records and maintain current health guidelines.


The rest of NZ will move to Alert Level 1 at 6am on Sunday 7 March. At Alert Level 1, everyone can freely return to work, school, sports and travel around New Zealand, and you can get together with as many people as you want. Bars and restaurants are no longer subject to the single server and everyone seated edict.

Update: Saturday 27 February

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand to Alert Level 2 as of 6am on Sunday 28 February for a week following the emergence of a new case that had not been isolating. 

Here's what you need to know:

At Alert Level 3 for Auckland:

People are being encouraged to work from home unless they are essential workers. Schoolchildren must stay at home unless they are children of essential workers. 

Physical distancing of two metres should be maintained and people are strongly advised to wear face coverings when in places where this distancing is not possible such as in shops.

Gatherings in Auckland are now reduced to 10 people.

Supermarkets and petrol stations to remain open. 

Gyms, pools, playgrounds, entertainment venues and libraries to close.

At this level, everyone is permitted to extend their bubble to include primary caregivers or people who live alone, but bubbles must be kept small and exclusive. That means you can't get 10 of your mates who live apart together in the same 'bubble' unless you're attending:  

  • Funerals and tangihanga
  • Wedding ceremonies (not receptions).

At Alert Level 2 For rest of New Zealand:

The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2 11:59pm, Sunday 14 February until 12 midnight, Wednesday 17 February. 

Everyone can continue to go to work and school with physical distancing but must wear masks in public.

Businesses can remain open to the public as long as they keep records and maintain current health guidelines.


Update: Monday 22 February

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will join the rest of New Zealand at Alert Level 1 from midnight tonight.

At Alert Level 1, everyone can freely return to work, school, sports and travel around New Zealand, and you can get together with as many people as you want. Bars and restaurants are no longer subject to the single server and everyone seated edict.

Border controls are still in effect with all arrivals still being subject to an enforced 14-day quarantine.

Remember though, we've been here before so don't get complacent. We know how tricky this virus can be and want to avoid yet another lockdown.

Update: Wednesday 17 February

Following the emergence of three new community cases in Auckland today, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that as of 11:59pm, Wednesday 17 February, Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 and the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 1 until a cabinet review this coming Monday. 


Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 11:59pm, Wednesday 17 February. 

Everyone can continue to go to work and school with physical distancing but must wear masks in public. 

Gatherings in Auckland are now increased to 100 people.

Businesses can remain open to the public as long as they keep records and maintain current health guidelines.


Following three new community COVID cases in Auckland announced today, and several potential exposure sites, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that as of 11:59pm, Sunday 14 February, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 and the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2 until 12 midnight, Wednesday 17 February.

Here's what you need to know:

At Alert Level 3 for Auckland:

People are being encouraged to work from home unless they are essential workers. Schoolchildren must stay at home unless they are children of essential workers. 

Physical distancing of two metres should be maintained and people are strongly advised to wear face coverings when in places where this distancing is not possible such as in shops.

Gatherings in Auckland are now reduced to 10 people.

Supermarkets and petrol stations to remain open. 

Gyms, pools, playgrounds, entertainment venues and libraries to close.

At this level, everyone is permitted to extend their bubble to include primary caregivers or people who live alone, but bubbles must be kept small and exclusive. That means you can't get 10 of your mates who live apart together in the same 'bubble' unless you're attending:  

  • Funerals and tangihanga
  • Wedding ceremonies (not receptions).

At Alert Level 2 For rest of New Zealand:

The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 2 11:59pm, Sunday 14 February until 12 midnight, Wednesday 17 February. 

Everyone can continue to go to work and school with physical distancing but must wear masks in public.

Businesses can remain open to the public as long as they keep records and maintain current health guidelines.


Auckland And Rest Of NZ: Alert Level 1

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will join the rest of New Zealand at Alert Level 1 from midnight Wednesday 7 October 2020 as community transmission of COVID-19 continues to dwindle.

At Alert Level 1, everyone can freely return to work, school, sports and travel around New Zealand, and you can get together with as many people as you want. Bars and restaurants are no longer subject to the single server and everyone seated edict.

Border controls are still in effect with all arrivals still being subject to an enforced 14-day quarantine.

Remember though, we've been here before so don't get complacent. We know how tricky this virus can be and want to avoid yet another lockdown.


Remember where you've been and who you've seen. Continue to contact trace everywhere you go. If you're feeling even a little under the weather, stay home. If you're clearly not feeling well, get tested. Wash, wash, wash your hands and be vigilant at all times. Be kind.

How long will alert level 1 lockdown last?

We will remain at Alert Level 1 for the forseeable future.

We'll keep this updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's Covid 19 site for more specific details.

Auckland: Alert Level 2 

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 from midnight Wednesday 23 September 2020 as community transmission of COVID-19 continues to dwindle.

What's Open?

Provided that they can operate safely within distinct parameters (hospitality venues can host up to 100 people in total at any time. The groups in the venue must be physically distanced from one another. No single booking may have more than ten people for example), the following businesses are now open:

  • Restaurants 
  • Shops
  • Malls
  • Cinemas
  • Playgrounds
  • Gyms
  • Cafes
  • Schools  
  • Bars  

Can I see my friends?

Yes! You'll be able to meet in groups of up to 100 people. Tangihanga and funerals are limited to 100 people.

Can I go on a road trip?

Yes! We can now move freely around the country, but you'll need to make sure you're still adhering to social distancing measures as laid out by the government.

What should I keep in mind while out and about?

Wear a mask anytime you're inside a store. Remember where you've been and who you've seen. If you're feeling even a little under the weather, stay home. If you're clearly not feeling well, get tested. Wash, wash, wash your hands and be vigilant at all times. Be kind. 

How long will alert level 2 lockdown last?

Cabinet will again review the settings of Alert Level 2 on October 5. 

We'll keep this updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's COVID-19 site for more specific details.

Rest of New Zealand: Alert Level 1

The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 1 on Monday, September 21 2020. 

Everyone can continue to go to work and school with physical distancing but must wear masks in public.

Businesses can remain open to the public as long as they keep records and maintain current health guidelines.

Can I see my friends?

Yes, you can continue to meet in groups of up to 100 whilst maintaining physical distancing and contact tracing.

How long will lockdown last?

A review will take place on October 5.

We'll keep you updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's COVID-19 site for more specific details.

Auckland: Alert Level 2.5

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will move to Alert Level 2.5 from  midnight Sunday 30 August 2020 after a resurgence of COVID-19 in the community.

This is different from the previous Alert Level 2 because we are still actively fighting cases in the community. The main difference is that we are not to gather in groups of more than 10 people.

What's Open?

Provided that they can operate safely within distinct parameters (hospitality venues can host up to 100 people in total at any time. The groups in the venue must be physically distanced from one another. No single booking may have more than ten people for example), the following businesses are now open:

  • Restaurants 
  • Shops
  • Malls
  • Cinemas
  • Playgrounds
  • Gyms
  • Cafes
  • Schools  
  • Bars  

Can I see my friends?

Yes! You'll be able to meet in groups of up to 10 people. Tangihanga and funerals are limited to 50 people and must be authorised.

Can I go on a road trip?

Yes! We can now move freely around the country, but you'll need to make sure you're still adhering to social distancing measures as laid out by the government.

What should I keep in mind while out and about?

Wear a mask anytime you're inside a store. Remember where you've been and who you've seen. If you're feeling even a little under the weather, stay home. If you're clearly not feeling well, get tested. Wash, wash, wash your hands and be vigilant at all times. Be kind. 

How long will alert level 2.5 lockdown last?

Cabinet will again review the settings of Alert Level 2.5 on September 21. 

We'll keep this updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's COVID-19 site for more specific details.

Rest of New Zealand: Alert Level 2

The rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 1 on Monday, September 21 2020 as long as there have been no new cases within that time. 

Everyone can continue to go to work and school with physical distancing but must wear masks in public.

Businesses can remain open to the public as long as they keep records and maintain current health guidelines.

Can I see my friends?

Yes, you can continue to meet in groups of up to 100 whilst maintaining physical distancing and contact tracing.

How long will lockdown last?

A review will take place on September 21.

We'll keep you updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's COVID-19 site for more specific details.

Auckland: Alert Level 3

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that Auckland will remain at Alert Level Three until midnight on Sunday 30 August 2020 after a resurgence of COVID-19 in the community.

People are being encouraged to work from home unless they are essential workers.  

Bars and restaurants should close, but takeaways are allowed. Businesses are able to open but they won't be allowed to physically interact with customers.

Schools in Auckland will be open with limited capacity—for children of essential workers—but children are encouraged to stay at home.

Physical distancing of two metres should be maintained and people are strongly advised to wear face coverings when in places where this distancing is not possible such as in shops.


  • Restaurants and bars (takeaways are allowed)
  • Cafes
  • Pubs
  • Clubs
  • Cinemas
  • Casinos
  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor places of worship
  • Gyms
  • Indoor and outdoor sporting venues
  • Playgrounds
  • Pools
  • Libraries


Businesses that are declared as "essential services" will remain open. They include the following:

  • Supermarkets
  • Vets and the SPCA
  • Self service laundrettes (two-metre physical distancing)
  • Petrol stations
  • Pharmacies
  • Dairies


No. At this level, everyone is permitted to extend their bubble to include primary caregivers or people who live alone, but bubbles must be kept small and exclusive. That means you can't get 10 of your mates who live apart together in the same 'bubble' unless you're attending:  

  • Funerals and tangihanga
  • Wedding ceremonies (not receptions).


Alert Level 1

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the country is being moved down to alert level 1 as of midnight on June 8 2020 as we slowly ease restrictions imposed due to the threat of Covid 19. With no new cases for nearly two weeks and no active cases from today (YAS), the government has indicated that it's now safe to lessen the restictions.

At Alert Level 1, everyone can freely return to work, school, sports and travel around New Zealand, and we can get together with as many people as we want. Bars and restaurants are no longer subject to the single server and everyone seated edict.

Border controls are still in effect with all arrivals still being subject to an enforced 14-day quarantine.

Basically, it's a happy day for us all. If you want to really trip out, scroll down this article marvel at how far our little team of 5 million has come since Alert Level 4.


Remember where you've been and who you've seen. If you're feeling even a little under the weather, stay home. If you're clearly not feeling well, get tested. Wash, wash, wash your hands and be vigilant at all times. Be kind.

How long will alert level 1 lockdown last?

We will remain at Alert Level 1 for the forseeable future.

We'll keep this updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's Covid 19 site for more specific details.

Alert Level 2

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the country is being moved down to alert level 2 as of midnight on May 13 2020 as we slowly ease restrictions imposed due to the threat of Covid 19. From noon May 29 the restrictions around group sizes that can gather will increase from 10 to 100. Happy days.

What's Open?

Provided that they can operate safely within distinct parameters (restaurants will need to make sure that everyone can be spaced out, seated and served by one person only for example), the following businesses are now open:

  • Restaurants
  • Shops
  • Malls
  • Cinemas
  • Playgrounds
  • Gyms
  • Cafes
  • Schools  
  • Bars  

Can I see my friends?

Yes! You'll be able to meet in groups of up to 100 people from Friday 29 May.

Can I go on a road trip?

Yes! We can now move freely around the country, but you'll need to make sure you're still adhering to social distancing measures as laid out by the government.

What should I keep in mind while out and about?

Remember where you've been and who you've seen. If you're feeling even a little under the weather, stay home. If you're clearly not feeling well, get tested. Wash, wash, wash your hands and be vigilant at all times. Be kind.

How long will alert level 2 lockdown last?

Cabinet will again review the settings of Alert Level 2 on 8 June and have agreed that no later than 22 June, four weeks from today, they will consider a move to Alert Level 1.

We'll keep this updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's Covid 19 site for more specific details.

Alert Level 3

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the country is being moved down to alert level 3 as of midnight on April 27 2020 as we slowly ease restrictions imposed due to the threat of Covid 19.

At this level there are only four reasons that people can leave their home:

  • Food and supplies
  • Medical care
  • Exercise
  • Work and education (though only if you are unable to work from home)

If you are working outside your home, measures must be put in place to ensure social distancing is adhered to. It's important to note that you should maintain a 2m distance between yourself and other people but this can be lessened to 1m if unavoidable.

Schools will be open for kids who have no one to look after them at home because their parents are going back to work, up to year 10. If there's someone home to look after kids under 14 then they must continue to learn from home. 

Can I see my friends?

No. At this level we are permitted to extend our bubble to include primary caregivers or people who live alone, but we must keep our bubbles small and exclusive. That means you can't get 10 of your mates who live apart together in the same 'bubble' unless you're attending:  

  • Funerals and tangihanga
  • Wedding ceremonies (not receptions).

Can I go for a drive?

You can't go for a drive just for a jolly, but you are allowed to drive to your nearest beach or park to do some exercise. We are permitted to drive up to 45 minutes but you should be staying as close to home as possible, and maintain the social distancing rule while you're outside.

Can I Get Takeaways?

Yes, if the restaurant or cafe has contactless delivery and/or pick up in place it's possible to get your hands on some hot food (praise be).  

Can I Go For A Surf?

Yes, if you're an experienced surfer you can go to the break, however if you've never been on a board in your life, now is not the time to start. You're also allowed to fish from the shore but don't take up any new activities that are likely to land you needing emergency treatment. This means boating and jetskis are still out. However, you can swim, kayak, canoe, snorkel, row, windsurf and paddle-board. Single waka ama is also possible. You must stay in your bubble. Do not share equipment with anyone outside your bubble (even with physical distancing) and only go out when conditions are calm and it is safe. Stay close to shore.

Can I Buy non-essential stuff?

Yes, online shopping will be possible, as long as couriers continue to maintain safe drop off practices. However, bear in mind that the world and his wife will probably be ordering more deliveries than usual so there may be a wait before you can get your hands on your fresh kicks.

How long will alert level 3 lockdown last?

Jacinda Ardern has indicated that we'll stay at alert level 3 until May 11, at which time there will be another review to see how we're tracking.

We'll keep this updated as anything changes but you can also check the Government's Covid 19 site for more specific details.

Alert Level 4

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that the country is being moved up to alert level 4 as of midnight on the 25 March 2020 as we battle to contain the virus that has swept over the globe. Here's what will be changing and what you need to know.

Should You Stay Home?

The advice from the Prime Minister is that unless essential, you should be staying at home and avoiding contact with others.

What Will Be Closed?

  • Restaurants
  • Cafes
  • Hot food delivery services such as UberEats, DeliverEasy, McDonald's etc
  • Pubs
  • Clubs
  • Cinemas
  • Casinos
  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor places of worship
  • Gyms
  • Indoor and outdoor sporting venues

What Will Still Be Open?

Businesses that are declared as "essential services" will remain open, they include the following:

  • Supermarkets
  • Vets and the SPCA
  • Self service laundrettes (two-metre physical distancing)
  • Petrol Stations
  • Pharmacies
  • Dairies (on a one in-one out basis)
  • Freight and logistics businesses
  • Food delivery services (of uncooked food only)
  • "Big box" retailers like Bunnings, Placemakers and Mitre 10 (open to trade only)

How Long Will Alert Level 4 Lockdown Last?

In a press conference on Monday, the Prime Minister declared that New Zealanders must expect the level 4 restrictions to remain in at least four weeks.

"I have a very keen sense of the magnitude of this moment in New Zealand's history and we did not take this decision lightly. But we all absolutely believe this is the right thing to do. We will save lives by taking these measures now."

Need a lift in your mood? Amp the vibe while you're stuck at home with these 24-hour baby animal live streams.

Image credit: Te Pania

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