
Be A Bubble Hero With The Ultimate Mac And Cheese Recipe From Andiamo


A fork digs into the mac n cheese from Andiamo

Andiamo means 'let's go' in Italian. This eatery in Herne Bay has been feeding Aucklanders for three decades with their fresh, modern and truly impeccable Italian-inspired menu.

There's nothing more comforting than a warm and cheesy bowl of mac and cheese to tuck into during these cold winter months. So as we can't visit Andiamo Eatery any time soon, this recipe is sure to hit all the right spots. Impress your bubble with this most perfect macaroni recipe which uses Fontina cheese, bacon, chilli and Italian greens. 



Salt and pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
Canola oil

For the macaroni

Fresh macaroni 300g
Bechamel 200g
Cream 150g
Mature cheddar (grated) 120g
Fontina or Taleggio (diced) 60g
Parmesan 60g
Truffle paste 1 tbsp
Bacon 200g
Chilli flakes 1 pinch

For the Italian greens

Cavolo nero 75g
Green beans 75g
Broccolini 75g
Garlic 1 clove
Parmesan 20g


Get prepared

1. Preheat your grill and prepare two heatproof serving dishes that will go under the grill to finish.
2. Fill a large pot with boiling water, add salt and set on high heat.
3. Gather a large saucepan to mix the macaroni and a colander ready to strain the pasta.
4. Line a baking sheet with aluminium foil.

Bacon and cheeses

5. Spread the bacon out on the foil-lined tray and cook under the grill until nearly crispy then remove from the grill and transfer to a chopping board.
6. When the bacon is cool enough to handle roughly chop and set aside.
7. Grate all the cheese using a micro plain and set aside half of the parmesan and half of the cheddar to place on top of the macaroni to gratinate (with the rest to be used in the sauce).


8. When the water is boiling rapidly pour the fresh macaroni in and set a timer for three minutes. Once cooked strain into the colander.

Cheese sauce

9. Place pre-made bechamel into a large saucepan and gently heat through.
10. Once the bechamel has come to a simmer add the truffle paste and cooked chopped bacon.
11. Add the cooked macaroni and fold in half of the grated cheese. At this stage reduce the heat to very low as you don't want it to boil.
12.Adjust the sauce with cream so that it’s not dry then adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.

Italian greens

13. Strip the stalks from the cavolo nero and remove the tips from the beans. Cut the ends off the broccolini and set all the vegetables aside until you are ready to put everything together.
14. Blanch the vegetables in the water for two minutes and strain. Place the pot back on the stove while the veg is draining and add a drizzle of olive oil to followed by one sliced garlic clove.
15. Place the drained green veggies back in the pot to sauté in the garlic oil for 30 seconds.
16. Season with salt and pepper, place onto a serving dish and finish with grated parmesan.

To finish

17. Divide the finished macaroni and cheese sauce into two serving bowls and top with the grated cheese that was set aside to gratinate.
18. Add a pinch of chilli flakes to each bowl and place under the grill until golden and the topping is slightly crispy. Serve with the Italian greens.

Keen for more delicious recipes? Here's a pumpkin pie recipe you can make for dessert. 

Image credit: Andiamo  

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