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6 Of The Best Florists In Wellington For Finding The Perfect Bouquet


Whether you’re saying congratulations, happy birthday, or just a simple I love you, a beautiful bouquet is always a good idea. Lucky for all the lovers out there, Wellington is home to a collection of premium, talented florists who make picking out the perfect bunch of blooms a total breeze. 

So, trying to sweep that special someone off their feet? Here’s where to find the best florists in Wellington.

Two beautiful, pastel bouquets from Flowers Manuela sit side-by-sideFlowers Manuela 

Te Aro, Wellington

In case you’re not already in the know, Flowers Manuela is a Wellington fave. The shop is bursting with locally grown flowers in every colour you can imagine, ready and waiting to be assembled into your perfect bouquet by a member of the expert team. Their bespoke designs are inspired by nature, always highlighting the organic beauty of the flowers themselves. If you’re in a rush but don’t want to skimp on the romance, there are gorgeous pre-made bouquets on display out front, too.

A bouquet of blooms from Yvette Edwards features delicate shapes and blush tones Yvette Edwards

Te Aro, Wellington

Walking into the Yvette Edwards' studio is like setting foot in fairyland. An array of the most beautiful blooms greets you at the door, framed by polished hardwood floors, exposed brick, and tall windows. Whether you’re after a few simple stems or an all-out romantic bouquet, Yvette Edwards provides with a touch of magic. The studio also boasts every sort of houseplant you can imagine, in case your sweetheart is more into leaves than petals. 

Flowers of red and pink are gorgeously arranged in this bouquet from Twig & ArrowTwig & Arrow

Te Aro, Wellington

The best thing about Wellington’s Twig & Arrow? All of the eco-friendly packaging! Each bouquet of devastatingly gorgeous flowers is wrapped in paper instead of plastic, and biodegradable cups of wet moss are used in lieu of the usual artificial floral foam. If the magic worked by the shop’s talented florists has you feeling inspired, grab a friend and head along to one of Twig & Arrow’s many hands-on floral workshops.

A pretty bouquet of white and purple blooms wrapped in the signature Juliette Florist paperJuliette Florist

Te Aro, Wellington

An enchanting spot on bustling Willis Street, Juliette Florist is truly one of Wellington’s finest. From pastel wedding bouquets to vibrant everyday arrangements, the experienced team have got your floral needs covered. Let yourself be swept away by the process of finding the perfect flowers in your favourite hues, resting assured that you’ll be walking away with an armful of blossoms that are nothing short of swoon-worthy.

Scent Floral Boutique showcases a gorgeous and gigantic pink-and-green bouquet Scent Floral Boutique

Wellington Central

The gorgeous display of bouquets outside Scent Floral Boutique will catch your eye from a block away. Flawlessly presented and oh-so romantic, their floral arrangements are perfect for anniversary gifts and spontaneous declarations alike. Online and in store, Scent boasts a collection of stunning flowers, always including those of the season, showcased in bouquets ranging from sweet and simple to so huge you can hardly hold them.

A pretty bunch from The Wild Flower is displayed in their chic paper box packagingThe Wild Flower

Wellington Central

Do yourself a favour and wander into The Wild Flower Boutique in the CBD. Fresh and elegant with a touch of glam, The Wild Flower offers a beautiful range of bouquets in every colour of the rainbow—including some of the most luxurious roses you’ve ever seen. Oh, and they also stock a range of luxurious, NZ-made chocolate truffles, because the only thing better than getting flowers is getting flowers and chocolate. 

After some date night inspo, too? Here are all the best restaurants in Wellington for an unforgettable night out.

Image credit: Anna Shvets, Flowers Manuela, Yvette Edwards, Twig & Arrow, Juliette Florist, Scent Floral Boutique, The Wild Flower.

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