What's On

Shop Limited-Edition Art At This Pop-Up Gallery For Refugee Week


two people walking between outdoor art

Australia’s first-ever social enterprise gallery is popping up in Sydney and there’s never been a better time to shop some epic art for a cause.

If you haven’t heard of ART AID, it’s a creative initiative that allows you to purchase fine art prints, from a range of Australia and New Zealand’s top contemporary artists, while giving a percentage of the profits to a humanitarian or ecological cause in need of funding.

This week, ART AID is popping up in Sydney’s Darling Square, in line with Refugee Week (which runs from Sunday 20 June until Saturday 26 June) where 33% of profits will go towards the Asylum Seekers Centre.

This means you’ll be privy to a smorgasbord of limited-edition art, all worthy of taking up space in your digs and of course, your good conscience of supporting a cause in need of funding.

For more info, head here

The Details

What: ART AID Pop-Up
When: Until Sunday 27 June
Where: Pop up gallery at Bucket Boys Bar, Darling Square

Worked up an appetite? Check this guide to all the best eats at Darling Square.

Image credit:  ART AID

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