Food & Drink

5 Ways To Nail Your Morning Coffee Routine, According To Our Team


We’re always looking for ways to level up our morning routine here at Urban List—and it’s no secret that a big part of that routine is a solid caffeine hit. Beyond flawless latte art, a high-quality coffee experience is all about top-notch service from the barista—bonus points if they remember your name and order—premium beans from regions with the right growing conditions, and convenience.

From bold in-your-face tastes to smoother flavour profiles, knowing your go-to coffee preference can be a game changer when it comes to kicking off your day right. With some help from Jamaica Blue and our caffeine mad crew, here are five ways to nail your morning coffee routine.

“It’s all about the rituals.”

—Bonnie, Queensland Account Manager

“Yes, those self-help gurus have got it right—a great day starts the moment you roll out of bed. While I’m not suggesting you wake up at the crack of dawn and run 20kms, creating healthy morning rituals is a sure-fire way to boost your mood. I start every day with a walk along the beach or a swim at the pool—trust me, nothing wakes you up better in winter. In summer, I meet a mate before work and we grab my go-to iced latte from my local cafe before strolling along the river. Exercising in the morning with a coffee in hand really does make mornings better."

Complement those morning hot girl walks with an iced latte from your local Jamaica Blue. Use the store locator to select from one of their many cafes around Australia for your next caffeine hit.

"When it comes to your go-to coffee, consistency is key."

—Flick, Victoria Sales Director

"I'm an early riser so nothing beats that first sip of my go-to coffee in the morning. It's taken a lot of unsuccessful sips but finding a cafe and barista that make a consistent coffee is worth skipping the snooze button for."

Our pre-work coffee order from Jamaica Blue? A classic flat white with an extra shot during the busy period, of course. 

person holding cup in front of water

“Change up your go-to coffee order seasonally.”

—Emma, Commercial Content Editor 

“I think my barista would agree that what they say about eating seasonally works for your go-to coffee order, too—in fact, even the beans themselves change with the seasons. If the weather is brisk—which it often is in Melbourne–an almond flat white with an extra shot is perfect for that caffeine hit first thing in the morning. In summer I always switch it up with an iced almond latte. Afternoons are reserved for black coffee, to get me through the 3pm slog.”

With the right beans, your go-to coffee will always pack a caffeine punch no matter the season. Opt for single-origin beans from Jamaica Blue cafes to suit the weather. If in doubt about what suits the beans best, just ask their baristas.

“A little treat can go a long way.”

—Bella, Junior Commercial Content Producer

“I’m a big advocate for pairing coffee with a treat—getting up is easier if I have something to look forward to. If I’m grabbing my usual oat cap, teaming it with a fresh fruit cup always does the trick. On the days I need the extra sugar hit or something more substantial in my stomach, I’ll go for a slice of banana bread or a smashed avo on toast and an iced latte.”

Nothing beats that first dose of coffee in the morning. Pair it with a filling brekkie and enjoy all the perks of your coffee hit without the pesky post-caffeine shakes. Our top pick? Jamaica Blue’s smashed avo to help wash down your coffee. Jamaica Blue use local and seasonal produce for all locations—so you know you're getting the freshest ingredients.

“The perfect coffee spot has a splash of vitamin D.”

—Rojan, Client Services Director

“Regardless of whether I’m grabbing my coffee to go or sipping it in a cafe, I always make sure I get some sun soaking alongside my go-to almond cap. For me, finding a spot in the sun is the best way to ease into the morning before getting stuck into emails and meetings. I WFH a lot so having a friendly barista helps me get some proper social contact in. As an extra treat, I like to wash my coffee down with a glass of sparkling water—true Italiano style.”

For a classic Aussie brekkie, order Jamaica Blue’s brekkie burger or an eggs benny and grab a spot to eat in the sun.

Every Jamaica Blue is dedicated to sourcing high-quality coffee and fresh, locally sourced ingredients for the past 30 years. Sign up to become a member and you'll score a free coffee for every $30 spent, along with other exclusive offers for members

Editor’s note: This article is sponsored by Jamaica Blue and proudly endorsed by Urban List. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make Urban List possible. Click here for more information on our editorial policy.

Images: Urban List.

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