
Visit The Best Parts Of South Australia With The New Voucher Scheme


The stunning South Australian coastline on a sunny afternoon.

Since some borders have relaxed across the country, Victorians have been making the most of their interstate getaways. And as a way to coax us southern staters west several hundred kilometres, South Australia is offering $2 million dollars worth of $100 and $50 vouchers to spend in the state.

It’s all part of The Great State Voucher Program, which looks to bring people from around Australia back into both Adelaide city and regional areas. Those wanting to visit Adelaide will score themselves a $100 voucher, while those heading off the beaten path into the country can apply for a $50 voucher.

Having already run a Great State Voucher Program earlier last year, the South Australian Premier Steven Marshall believes it’s a win for visitors and local industries alike.

“The first round of vouchers injected millions into our state’s economy, creating tens of thousands of room night bookings and most importantly, sustaining and creating jobs in our tourism industry,” Marshall said.

You can spend your voucher across a host of tourism operators, with the full list being released on Thursday 7 January here

Applications for the vouchers are open now. Those successful will have from Thursday 7 January to Sunday 31 January to book with your voucher, for travel from Thursday 7 January until Wednesday 31 March 2021.

Planning a trip within the state? Check out our Local Escapes section here.

Image credit: Marcus Wallis

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