
We Asked Taronga Zoo Residents For Their Wild 2025 Resolutions, Here’s What They Told Us


More people are pounding the pavement on the jogging paths, the group chat is active with catch-up requests, and the local veggie markets are packed by 8am. It’s New Year's resolution season.

Many of us start the year with ambitions to do better; it's the perfect opportunity for a reset. But this year, we're moving away from resolutions to realistic, sustainable, long-term changes. Whether it's leaps towards completing a marathon or simple swaps to reusable containers and straws to help lower the 2.7 billion straws we Aussies use annually. 

And, just like us, a couple of Taronga locals past and present are ready to solidify their New Year's resolutions well beyond 2025. Here, we get creative and share the insider scoop. 

“As a self-identifying INTP, I’m diving into more social situations. Maintaining this beyond 2025 means I’m starting small—a few waddles down from the enclosure, you’ll catch me checking out the zoo’s slew of new pop-ups and events.”
—Tilly, Platypus

Platypus in waterIt’s not easy being the shyest in the park. This year, like many of us introverts, Tilly is ready for her socialite era, embracing more opportunities to connect with her paddle and causes close to her. 

Combining two of Tilly's favourite things—conservation and our waterways—the Don't Be A Tosser pop up event is a must-see at Taronga Zoo.

Running from 24-27 January, explore massive, eye-catching sculptures of marine life affected by plastic and litter, showing the devastating impact on our oceans. Taking over the city until April, Taronga is the first stop on the tour before making waves at the Ocean Lovers Festival in March and the Easter Show in April. 

“This year, I’m cutting plastics out of my diet and home: the ocean. Whether it’s welcoming a reusable straw to my cutlery drawer or upgrading my emotional support water bottle, I’m taking steps toward having less plastic around my dinner table in 2025.”   
—Tama, Sea Turtle

Turtle in oceanIf there’s one thing Tama can’t stomach, it’s unwanted plastic waste in their backyard and on their plate. Around 9 million tonnes of plastic leak into the ocean yearly (that’s one garbage truck every minute). Us Aussies contribute 2.7 billion straws and 1 billion disposable cups into our waterways from our morning sips annually, and that's got to change. 

As Tama’s least favourite meal, this year, they’re opting for reusable products to keep their backyard and stomach free from unwanted plastics. Disposable cups and straws are the first (and most stylish) swap, so add this reusable mug and straw set to your rotation. 

“I’ve been embracing the siren aesthetic well before it was a trend, and this year more mid-week trips along the coast are on the cards for 2025.”  
—Nala, Sea Lion

Sea lionWe’re here to remind you that sea lions were the OG ocean siren aesthetic long before it became one to watch for '25. As the ocean's number one fans, Nala and her crew are going all-in on this vibe, creating more opportunities for beach trips and dips along the idyllic, never-ending NSW coastline.

Sticking to this resolution might not be so easy, though, if we don't start stepping up. With around three-quarters of the rubbish along the coast being plastic disposed of here in Australia—and that number doubling—those mid-week dips could soon be disrupted by more garbage and plastic. 

It's time to stop being a tosser. Pick up rubbish when you see it between surfs, or swap to a refillable water bottle and use the bubblers by the beach next time you're out of the office for a quick swim. 

If you love tracking your progress, use the calculator to see your impact as you go. Small changes help keep the OG ocean sirens' home thriving for generations.

“Everyone’s reconnecting with their inner child at the moment. I’m joining in for 2025 and beyond by returning to my childhood comfort meals and pastimes enjoyed as a calf.” 
—Lololi, Pygmy Hippo

two hipposIt’s all over our TikTok 'For You' pages, everyone—including our own Aussie Moo Deng Lololi—is finding ways to reconnect with their inner child in '25. As Taronga’s littlest resident, it’s easier for Lololi to make time for her resolution, with more dips in the pool and opportunities to tuck into childhood snacks.

Lololi’s inner child not quite the same as yours? Fortunately, there are heaps of practical ways to  reconnect with your own. 

For the kids of primary school teachers, arts and crafts were most likely a staple in your home growing up. Spend a few hours on Martina Calvi’s Instagram before grabbing the scissors and glue and raiding your house for recyclable or reusable scraps for an afternoon scrapbooking session. 

If the Scholastic Book Fair was a marked holiday in your cal each year, brush off those beloved series we know are collecting dust in the back of your cupboard and return to your childhood favourite books—for us that’ll be the Babysitter's Club. 

Or get out and chat about your inner-child discoveries with Lololi on a classic excursion to Taronga Zoo. Pack a few Yogo choccie yoghurts for a real blast from the past, this time you can make a stop at the gift shop on your way out.  

Kicking off in Taronga Sydney from 24-27 January before heading to the Ocean Lovers Festival in March and the Royal Easter Show in April, the Don't Be A Tosser pop up event. will have you exploring the towering sculptural impact of litter in our waterways. 

Editor’s note: This article is sponsored by NSW Government  and proudly endorsed by Urban List. Thank you for supporting the sponsors who make Urban List possible. Click here for more information on our editorial policy.

Images: Supplied.

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