Food & Drink

Young Henrys Is Delivering Free Schooners Every Friday In Lockdown


A jug of Young Henrys beer

For everyone in Sydney currently missing a few frothy Friday arvo beers at the pub—the legends at Young Henrys are coming through with the goods.

From Friday 20 August, Young Henrys will be delivering 100 free schooners to suburbs across Sydney for the duration of lockdown. They've called the initiative "Deliver-schoo", and to score some free schooeys for your house, all you need to do is hop on Young Henrys' Instagram and nominate your suburb on Young Henrys' Instagram Stories.

Each Thursday, the winning suburb will be announced on Instagram, and you'll have the opp to score a few free Newtowners by DMing your name, address, and number.  

For any litigious beer drinkers out there, yes—Deliveroo did pick up on the campaign and yes, they have reached out to Young Henrys. Although, instead of a cease and desist, Deliveroo Australia CEO Ed McManus sent a "cease and assist" letter, offering $100 Deliveroo credit to each of the winning households. Good vibes all around, it seems. 

Stay tuned to Young Henrys' IG for more. 

Now, check out these DIY Wizz Fizz margarita kits

Image credit: Young Henrys

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