
Myki Fares Have Just Increased For Melburnians And Victorians


Like the start of each new year, we set some resolutions and hope for the best, but Melburnians are about to have their 2024 attitudes stung with a fee. 

Life is getting pricier thanks to the cost of living and newly added to the list of increased necessities is Melbourne's trusted public transport system. From January 1 2024 your Myki fares have got a touch more expensive in line with the annual Consumer Price Index—a move from Public Transport Victoria to assist in maintaining the operation of trams, buses and trains across the city and suburbs.

Although a 5% increase may not seem like a big deal, it will now cost the average full fare paying commuter $10.60 daily, and if you’re a concession holder you’re looking at a $5.30 daily fee. 

We’re all in it together, and regional Victorians will see a small add-on of 20 cents and 40 cents depending on travel time, costing an overall daily fee of $5.60. 

The Myki ticketing system will also see further changes to the way we touch on and off. Read about it here.

Image credit: Unsplash |  John Simmons

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