Health + Wellness

You Won’t Be Able To Buy Vapes In Australia From Next Week


A wall of nicotine juices for vapes and e-cigarettes. This comes as the Australian Federal Government moves to ban vapes from July 1.

From next week it will be illegal to sell vapes (yep, even the ‘non-nicotine’ ones) in Australia.

It feels like literally everywhere in Melbourne sells some kind of vape, and every bit of spare space in the city, petrol stations and convenience stores all retail them, so what’s going to happen?

Well, if the changes pass (and they're expected to) from July 1, the sale of vapes will be restricted to pharmacies for those with prescriptions.

But–from October 1, the need for a prescription will be scrapped and pharmacies will be able to sell vapes containing nicotine in tobacco, mint and menthol flavours to people over 18. 

Australia has had a ban on selling nicotine vapes for years, but retailers (i.e. all those local little convenience joints, bottle-os, or random windows) were dodging the ban by selling iGets by not stating a nicotine content on the packaging.

Anti-tobacco and vaping lobbyists have pointed out a stack of problems with the ban given there’s a three month lag between when people addicted to nicotine will be able to get their hands on a vape again without a prescription. Namely, that they’ll turn back, or to smoking.

Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler said there will be clear standards for the kind of vape that will be able to be sold in Australia.

“Gone will be the variety of different ridiculous flavours: the combination of different fruits and bubblegums that are obviously designed, not to help a hardened smoker in their 40s, 50s, or 60s, but to recruit kids into nicotine addiction, and then, into cigarette smoking.”

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