Dylan Alcott Just Launched A Brand New Disability-Inclusive Job Site


Yes, among being named Australian of the Year, a three-time Paralympic gold medallist, commentator, podcaster, philanthropist and author, the legend that is Dylan Alcott has also just launched a brand new disability-inclusive job site.

Enter The Field, a gamechanging network aimed to level up employment opps for  everyone by  removing all the accessibility barriers often faced by people with a disability.

“The Field’s accessibility features are what makes the job site unique, it’s been built by people  with disability for people with disability," Alcott said in a statement.

In hopes to improve the recruitment experience for job seekers by shifting the focus on what  people can do, rather than what they can’t, The Field will basically give businesses access to a range of support including an inclusive language tool  that assists employers to post disability inclusive job ads, and digital training resources to grow understanding when it comes to inclusive practices.  

Employers will also have the opportunity to promote and highlight their inclusive strategies and  the accessible features within their workplaces, so that candidates have more information and choice when applying for a job that suits their skills, experiences and accessibility requirements.

You can explore The Field right here.

Now check out these sustainability Instagram accounts to help you up your green game.

Imag credit: Dylan Alcott

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