Commitments in various forms come part and parcel along the road of a relationship, some are romantic in nature; others, like getting a kitten are kind of fun; and a few, like joint bank accounts, can be straight-up daunting, but with Up’s 2Up shared account it absolutely doesn’t have to be. Think of it as only having to commit. A bit.
If you’re familiar with Up you’ll know how easy they make it to manage your moula, and so it would be right to assume the features within 2Up are just as zippy. The concern of having to merge your bank account with your significant other’s is waivered because your personal account stays as yours, while the two of you work together in a shared Up debit account.
Within your 2Up account, you can split the likes of regular costs—like your Netflix bill or parma night at the pub—oh so easily. You can also set up incoming and outgoing transfers, equally, so that you and boo both get a regular allowance, or make a regular contribution to your 2Up account if you prefer to spend as a singular unit.
Within 2Up, you can commit to the fun bits in your relationship with joint savers. You might be working up a new car, a hot Euro-summer in 2024, or the doozy, the house—whatever your goal, you can track it all clearly by seeing who’s contributing how often and how much.
Like your personal Up account, within 2Up you can also add trackers to help you keep track of shared bills as well as other commitments, including those of the social inclination. If one-half of the party is dropping a few dollars at their weekly pub session, your 2Up account will show who bought what, and when.
Both parties will also be able to see where that hard-earned dosh is going within categories, whether that be on hair & beauty, booze or transport. The best part? what they see is what you see, and what you see is what they see. All that clarity means no room for any squabbles over finicky, financial contributions.
And, god forbid, should things not work out, Up has made 2Up super easy and super fair to close with an in-app shut-down feature.
Any couples who already have personal Up accounts can fire up 2Up easily in the app, and those who don’t can sign up right here.
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