
Here’s What You Need To Know About Morpheus8

By Anna Franklyn

If you (like me) are a skin treatment junkie, forever searching for your next hit, Morpheus8 might be just the ticket. 

Kimmy K’s favourite laser, Morpheus8 works its magic with radiofrequency energy and microneedling to stimulate collagen production and improve the texture and appearance of the skin. Think of it as microneedling’s big sister. She’s a little bit hotter (literally), a lot more effective and, best of all, she’s finally made an appearance in Perth at the stunning Blanc in Cottesloe.

Morpheus8 Treatment Room at Blanc Cottesloe

Morpheus8 is much loved for its ability to stimulate collagen which is why it’s a great option to target wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars, large pores and more, but it’s the sculpting and toning side of things which really set it apart. 

Morpheus8 can help you on your quest for rock-hard abs or a nice perky butt by targeting the fatty tissue just below the skin’s surface to improve the texture and elasticity of the skin—that’s right, it can help you get rid of pesky cellulite and stretch marks.

What Can You Expect From Morpheus8?

Before your treatment, one of Blanc’s gorgeous cosmetic nurses will apply a topical anaesthetic to your skin before you’re sent off to relax for 20 minutes while the anaesthetic does its thing. Enjoy this little bout of relaxation because once you’re nice and numb, the fun begins. 

During the treatment, you’ll feel a bit of heat and, let's be honest, a little bit of pain. It’s nothing major though, just the kind of pain that lets you know magic is happening. The nurse will do a few passes over your face using different frequencies, so while some will feel painful, others are an absolute walk in the park.

It’s quite likely you’ll be nice and red straight after the treatment and while it subsides quickly, you might still be a bit pink for the next 24-48 hours. You'll want to keep your skin clean for that period which means no makeup for a few days, so make sure to plan your appointment accordingly.

As your skin starts to work away at repairing itself, you could be a bit flakey and your skin might feel pretty rough. For me, this lasted about five days and then it felt like my skin was back to normal. And when I say normal, I mean it. You won’t see results for at least a couple of weeks.

So, Does Morpheus8 Work?

In short, heck yes.

But it wasn’t until about four weeks later that I started to notice my skin looking a whole lot better. Just as I was losing hope, my entire face seemed to get bouncier (yes, bouncier!) and a very persistent acne scar started to fade away. For some people, results will be obvious in just a couple of weeks, but if you're considering Morpheus8 for a particular event you'd be safest to book it a month or so before the big day.

And while it takes a few weeks to see effects, those last up to a year, so you can relax—pain free—until next time!

Interested? Have a chat with the team at Blanc in Cottesloe and they'll have you glowing like never before.

Image credit: Blanc

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