
Our Pets Share How They Stay Happy While Their Humans Are At Work


Nothing triggers guilt like the puppy or kitten eyes you get when leaving your pet for work. Whether you’re looking to keep your fur baby occupied between meetings, or searching for activities that'll keep your pet calm while you’re out of the house—we’ve consulted our team’s adorable office assistants and the pet experts over at Animates, to share their favourite tools for getting through the 9 to 5 while the humans are at work. 

Ensure They Have Their Own Entertainment 

Just like those neverending lists and emails in our inboxes, your pet benefits from having plenty of toys and tasks to get through the day while you’re out. Not only can it help keep them occupied all day, but the right toy can help reduce health risks and increase enrichment. 

“My human always makes sure I have a lot of different toys to play with when she's away from home. She spends time getting me familiar with the toy while she's at home, so she knows that I'll play with it when she's out. Rope toys are especially durable and also good for my teeth.”

—Jack, 6

If you need to stock up on supplies, check out a wide range of toys and activities here.

Scratch It Out

Stress can show up in your pets in just as many ways as us humans. Whether it’s loss of appetite or destruction of our favourite duvet, your fur baby has similar ways of letting out their anxieties as us. 

“My mum got me a scratching pole plus playground and it's been a game-changer. She can focus on her work without worrying about me getting bored or scratching the furniture—it’s the perfect solution for both of us!”

—Cleo, 17

Keep them entertained with plenty of places to de-stress. If you’ve noticed your cat has taken a liking to the side of the couch, check out these scratchers and poles to save on an upholsterer.

Make Lunchtimes Fun

Our pets can be a lot like us and often pick up similar traits and mannerisms to their owner, so it’s no wonder we have a team of intelligent four-legged friends. If toys don’t meet the enrichment needs of your pet, opt for a fun feeding option to keep them occupied between meetings.

“My human got me a fun feeder bowl where they scramble some eggs, cook them in the microwave, and let them cool—it takes me at least an hour to tackle.”

—Summer, 5

Whether it’s mats or bowls, these are great for any type of four-legged feaster.  

Minimise Stress

We all remember those first days of primary school and how scary it can get being away from your mum or dad—and sometimes our pets can feel the same. 

“Having my human out of the house can be stressful for me, as I love a cuddle during the day. Having a stress-relieving diffuser plus plenty of enrichment activities ensures I feel as relaxed as possible while my human is in the office.”

—Meatball, 3

If your feline friend is requesting head bumps more often than usual, check out this range of Feliway diffusersEmitting a pheromone similar to what mother cats release onto their kittens to calm them, you’ll be able to plug the socket in and leave knowing they’ll feel calm in no time.   

Animates is decked out with products and a knowledgeable crew to help your pets get through the workday without you. Explore at your closest store here

Editor’s note: This article is sponsored by Animates and proudly endorsed by The Urban List. To find out more about who we work with and why read our editorial policy here.

Image credit: Urban List.

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