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The Best Tips And Tricks For Entering The Rental Market When You Move Overseas


Sure, it’s a tricky time for anyone in the world entering the rental market at the moment, but if you’re prepared, you’ll be impressed by how efficiently you can network and grab your home away from home.

To help you out, we’ve put together some of the ultimate reccos that expats have shared to make your transition far easier. Here are seven of the best tips and tricks for entering the rental market when you move overseas.

Research Before You Leave

Yes, there’s already so much to consider before making the big move, but expats will tell you time and time again that the biggest mistake they’ve made is not doing their research before they actually go. Although the notion of accidentally stumbling into your perfect pad seems romantic, the reality is there are plenty of voyagers just like you desperate to find a place to call home ASAP. When considering your neighbourhood, ensure they have easy transport links, viable price points for your budget and then dig right in so that you’re not left in limbo when you arrive.

Ask About Phone Viewings

Unfortunately, the magic of Photoshop can sometimes manipulate spaces to look far larger, cleaner or more glamorous than they really are, leaving renters absolutely horrified and stunned when they realise too late that they’ve signed up to a 12-month contract. Most real estate agents are open to phone viewings where you can virtually tour the house. This is also great for building a rapport with the agents, making them more likely to have your back.

Put The Call Out To Family And Friends

You’d be shocked how many friend’s cousin’s aunties live in exactly the place you’re planning on adventuring to, so why not put the call out to all your loved ones (or even your friends on Facebook/Instagram) because you never know who might have connections. Humans are innately kind and always want to lend a hand, so you may even form a wonderful new friendship or two along the way.

Contact Reputable Real Estate Agents Directly

Again, the internet can be a strange place, so it’s important to sift through reviews of various agencies to gauge a sense of the company’s support and make sure you’re not chatting to a bot. Giving these agents a call or Facetime directly is a great way of helping them better understand exactly what you’re after, and making sure that you’re dealing with a true professional. 

Set Up A Profile On Roomshare Sites

There are some fantastic sites all over the globe that are making life easy for travellers looking to settle down in a new city or distant land. Spare Room allows you to create an individualised profile that’ll hook you up with many fabulous places and people looking for clean, considerate housemates. With stringent screening and safe communication process, these sorts of websites and apps take loads of the stress out of endlessly trawling through real estate pages.

Book Some Temporary Accommodation For Your Arrival

Another very helpful tip that many expats  wish they’d been told in hindsight was to save yourself panic and book an Airbnb or other type of temporary accom for at least a month after your arrival. This gives you ample time to find somewhere without the stress or hassle of moving around between couches constantly, gives you a place to store your stuff, and also stops you from having to settle for a completely sub-par option.

Don’t Give Up

It can be disheartening to be turned down time and time again, but the biggest reminder is to never take it personally and have faith that the perfect cosy sanctuary for you is just around the corner. Keep showing up, keep viewing places, and before you know it, you’ll be moving in and so relieved you didn’t settle for anything less.

Image: Urban List

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