
Here’s How To Add Your Proof Of Vaccination Certificate To The New ServiceWA App

By – who is always dreaming of her next meal and reckons a good martini solves most problems

a long booth seat stretching down one side of a restaurant with tables and chairs

You'll now need to provide proof of vaccination if you're heading out to certain venues and events around town, and the easiest way to do that will be via the new ServiceWA app. 

The new app will allow you to check in via SafeWA and provide your proof of vaccination all in the one place—making life much easier for you and for the staff responsible for checking across all our venues. It can be a little annoying to set up (it took us about 10-15 minutes), so we've explained everything below. 

Don't worry, you will still be able to manually check in and provide proof of vaccination if you have to. 

Here's how to set up your proof of vaccination certificate within the ServiceWA app.

  1. First up, if you haven't already, grab your ID (you'll need 100 credits so think drivers licence and passport), download the myGovID app (this is different to your myGov account) and follow the steps to verify your identity—you'll need to link your myGovID account when setting up ServiceWA. If you're getting stuck on loading wheels just be patient, the app can be a bit slow but should work eventually.
  2. Once that's done, go right ahead and download the ServiceWA app and get started. You'll need to fill in some personal details before logging into your myGovID account and consenting to your information being shared. Then just follow the prompts to allow access for SafeWA.
  3. By now you should be able to view the app. You'll notice the SafeWA check in function is now in here, so you can remove your other app if you want to free up some space.
  4. The final (and most important) step is to set up your proof of vaccination certificate within the app. To do this, go to 'Certificate' at the bottom of the app and click 'Import through myGov account' to login in to your myGov account. This is where it gets a bit confusing...
  5. Scroll down until you find Medicare or your Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) service and click on that. On the next screen, you should see 'Proof of vaccinations'. Under that click 'View proof' then 'View history'—you should now see an option at the end of the page to view your certificate or share with check in app. Click 'Share with check in app' and then select ServiceWA. Follow the rest of the prompts to add it to your ServiceWA app. If you get stuck, this video explains how to do it.
  6. And that's it. You're now good to go! 

While it's mainly just larger venues and events that require proof of vaccination at the moment, these requirements will extend to smaller venues and events as we get closer to 5 February so if you're not double dose vaccinated, book now.

In the meantime, get up to speed on what the latest COVID-19 announcements mean for you.

Image credit: Nancy Hanna

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