15 Of The Most In Demand Jobs In Australia Right Now


man holding video camera in low-lit room

It’s been a good year since COVID-19 first hit Australia. Since then, we’ve seen permanent changes to Australia’s job landscape, one that has fast-tracked working remotely to our new reality, put workations at the front and centre of travel and work trends and even started conversations around an entirely new blueprint of life (hello four-day working week).

At the start of the COVID-19 breakout in Australia, these were the jobs that were expected to boom post-pandemic—a line-up of “right-brain” focused roles with skills needing innovation, creativity, storytelling, virtual leadership (thanks to a digital migration for many businesses towards Slack and Zoom), emotional intelligence and, something that definitely won’t come as a shock, adaptability.

With on-and-off state border closures and local traffic light systems to signify COVID-19 hotspots as our new normal, a fresh wave of high demand jobs in Australia is here. LinkedIn’s annual Jobs On The Rise report maps out that the top and fastest roles in Australia for 2021 can pretty much all be done remotely (no shock there) and digital skills, even at the most basic level, have an edge in finding employment this year.

It should also come as no surprise that off the momentum of worldwide Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, roles for experts in facilitating workplace diversity have increased (more than 90 per cent since the end of 2019). This looks like job titles including Diversity Managers, Diversity Officers, Head of Diversity and Diversity Coordinators. You’ll also find some of the most in-demand jobs in Australia relating to mental health specialists (with hiring roles growing almost a quarter year on year) in roles like Behaviour Therapists, Psychotherapists and Mental Health Technicians.

Check out all the most in-demand jobs in Australia right now.

  • Frontline Ecommerce worker
  • Loan and mortgage experts
  • Health care supporting staff
  • Business development and sales professionals
  • Experts in workplace diversity
  • Digital marketing professionals
  • Nurses
  • Education professionals
  • Digital content creators
  • Professional and personal coaches
  • Specialised engineers
  • Mental health specialists
  • UX Professionals
  • Data science specialists
  • Artificial intelligence practitioners 

For the full Jobs On The Rise report by LinkedIn, head here.

Now check out the morning rituals of some of the most successful entrepreneurs.

Image credit: Kal Visuals

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